What are 420 and 710?

How many times have you heard the number codes 420 and 710? If you are in the stoning world, you already know what they mean. They are terms that cannabis enthusiasts, in general, have been using to tell their comrades that it’s time to ‘get high’.
To those who just use these numbers without knowing what they mean exactly, this article is for you. Let’s see what they imply, where they are used, and their significance today, among other vitals.
We will also highlight some of the best erigs one can use when it’s 420 or 710 times.
The 420 and 710 Chronicles
If you think about such numbers, one thing that comes to your mind is that stoners can generally be creative when it comes to coding their language. Where did they come from, though?
The 420 Origin
While no one knows where such a term came from, 420 is attributed to some high school friends who liked to smoke at 4:20 PM after classes. The term graduated slowly from referring to the time the comrades would go to smoke to referring to everything that was related to marijuana and its smoking.
How did 420 grow from being used in school corridors to a worldwide term? One theory is that after one of the students graduated, they introduced the term to some working comrades.
Little by little, the name stuck. Today, every stoner uses it to suggest a smoking spree or buying related products.
Currently, cannabis users celebrate the plant every 20th of April, which also comes from the number 420.
The 710 Origin
One cannabis user once wrote down the name ‘OIL’ and then turned it upside down. What resulted is the number ‘710’, which we think must have amused them.
When researching the origin of 710, we had to stop for a while to deal with the little humor we all thought. The one who discovered 710 must have been high.
Digging deep down, which is also currently evident, we noted that 710 came to represent those who consume cannabis oils in general. It could be for recreational purposes or medicinal.
With 710 in the air, what resulted is another day to celebrate cannabis oil consumption – 10th July.
The Current Day 420 and 710 Celebration
Whenever friends meet for a marijuana puff, they will use the 420 code to meet and get high. The same code has been used on everything related to marijuana, starting with the herb itself.
It gets better with more activities whenever the 20th of April arrives every year. It’s worth noting, however, that this is an informal holiday which your school or boss at work will never approve. Why? Governments have never recognized it, which also trickles down to the controversy surrounding the plant, even after legalization considerations.
When it comes to 710, it’s used when referring to the various cannabis oils. So, it’s a code famous among those who like to use the wax with devices such as The Bomb or your favorite bong/nail.
As previously mentioned, celebrating the oils is on July 10th, and just like the 420 holiday, it’s also informal.
Commercials Take Advantages of These Numbers
Companies such as The Bomb have noted the 420 and 710, and they have not ignored their use and movements. So, it’s not a surprise if you buy a black Bomb Pro e-rig or the Rainbow one and get a 420 or 710 tag on the package.
Such companies will also use the same numbers as coupon codes whenever the celebration days are near. Why? They get the commercial sales rolling since people now use the same codes to search for related products.
So, whenever the 420 or 710 holiday nears, you can check out what The Bomb has, for example, from e-rigs to accessories such as atomizers and glasses.
420 and 710 Are Still Evolving
Before we look at the current significance of such numbers, let’s address the current confusion. Some people ask if 710 is the new 420. While you could say so due to the emergence and popularity of cannabis oils, that’s just thoughts crossing in many.
Based on how they are used, both codes are here to stay, thanks to their allocated holidays. As a serious stoner, note what the codes mean and celebrate what they represent on the right days or whenever you need to take a hit.
Beyond recreation, these are the same codes used whenever activists are busy on the street advocating for marijuana legalization. Whenever it’s time to seek marijuana justice or push for a related agenda, you will see 710 and 420 on posters, among other writings and drawings.
What Can You Do with 420 and 710?
You can do a lot with these codes, starting with referring to the sessions whenever convenient. Some of the things where both codes are applicable include:
- Shopping for cannabis and related products,such as oils
- Searching for devices used to burn the flowers and concentrates
- Using the codes as coupon codes whenever applicable
- Inviting people for cannabis-related events and using the codes as hashtags
- Inspire you to grow marijuana variations (such as 8-Ball Kush and Hash Plant) that produce the best oils and flowers for consumption
The future is still there, so you may find other enticing uses of these codes in the course of smoking and pursuing marijuana as a whole.
Now, you know what 420 and 710 mean. They are numbers currently used to refer to marijuana smoking and the use and purchase of related products. After learning all that, what’s next?
You can use the codes more fashionably whenever you have a cannabis event or a product to buy or sell. Speaking of products, check out what The Bomb offers for all the concentrates (710) users.
Otherwise, enjoy the codes where applicable, and be safe while using them to get a puff or shopping.